L5 Thick-Tufted Pyramidal Cell

L5 Thick-Tufted Pyramidal Cell

Pyramidal cells are fundamental for output from the neocortex. It is the major excitatory neuron in the cortical layers 2-6. These neurons amount to almost 70-85% of the total population of neurons in the mammalian cortex as well as the hippocampus. Within Layer 5, pyramidal cells are heterogenous and project to either the ipsilateral, contralateral hemispheres or to subcortical regions. Thick-tufted pyramidal cells are characterized by their thick-tufted apical dendrite which then bifurcates into tuft dendrites, which commonly branch significantly in layer 1. Thick-tufted pyramidal cells project to the superior colliculus, spinal cord, and basal pons. Their electrical pattern is characterized by discharge bursts of action potentials.