Displaying 1 - 10 out of 39 Books


Nonlinear Dynamics and Complex Patterns in the Human Musculoskeletal System and Movement

Yih-Kuen Jan, Cheng-Feng Lin, Fuyuan Liao, Navrag B. Singh
Frontiers Media SA

The human body consists of interacting systems, such as musculoskeletal, nervous, and cardiovascular systems, that work together to perform complex body functions and movement. In the past decades,...


Methods In Biomechanics and Bionics

Zhen Luo, Triwiyanto Triwiyanto, Suvash C. Saha

Frontiers Media SA


Mechanobiology at multiple scales

Yuhui Li, Guang-Kui Xu

Frontiers Media SA


Advanced pre-clinical and pre-surgical assessment of musculo-skeletal medical devices

Richard Mark Hall, Stephen Ferguson, Benedikt Helgason, Michael G. Bryant

Frontiers Media SA



Statistical model-based computational biomechanics: Applications in joints and internal organs

Emmanuel A. Audenaert, Tinashe E. M. Mutsvangwa, Bhushan Borotikar, Shireen Y. Elhabian

Frontiers Media SA


Human Movement and Motor Control in the Natural Environment

Peter A Federolf, Maurice Mohr, Gert-Jan Pepping, Thorsten Stein, Steven van Andel, Gillian Weir

Frontiers Media SA

The basic understanding of human movement and control of human movement stems largely from...


Biomechanical and biochemical regulation of the musculoskeletal system

Jun Pan, Damien Lacroix, Bin Wang

Frontiers Media SA


How Can Corneal Biomechanics Help with Clinical Applications?

FangJun Bao, Ahmed Elsheikh, Weiyi Chen, Yan Wang

Frontiers Media SA


Displaying 1 - 10 out of 39 Books

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