Displaying 1 - 10 out of 52 Books


Updates on Radiation-induced Lymphopenia

Peter Sylvain Nicolas van Rossum, Steven H. Lin, Jian-Yue Jin
Frontiers Media SA

Radiation-induced lymphopenia (RIL) is a long-known and frequent toxicity of radiotherapy and is the direct consequence of cell death of lymphocytes crossing the radiation field during treatment. In...


Advances in treatment planning, optimization and delivery for radiotherapy of breast cancer

Nisha Ohri, Vishruta Dumane, Haibo Lin, Arpit Chhabra

Frontiers Media SA


Clinical and Basic Research of Radiotherapy for Esophageal Cancer

Li Jiancheng, Tao Li, Kuaile Zhao, Chi Lin, Feng-Ming Kong

Frontiers Media SA


Radiation Therapy Using MRI-LINAC - the Right Way to Start: a Guide for Physicians and Physicists

Merav Ben-David, Frank Lagerwaard, Enis Ozyar

Frontiers Media SA


Targeting DNA damage response to enhance antitumor innate immunity in radiotherapy

Qiang Zhang, Rachel Evans, Marco Tigano

Frontiers Media SA


Case reports in radiation oncology: 2022

Benjamin Clasie, Tao Song, Haibo Lin, Ianik Plante

Frontiers Media SA


Total marrow irradiation

Susanta Kumar Hui, Guy Storme, Jeffrey Wong, Cynthia Aristei, Monzr M. Al Malki, Bulent Aydogan

Frontiers Media SA


Machine learning-based adaptive radiotherapy treatments: From bench top to bedside

Jiahan Zhang, Yang Sheng, Justin Roper, Xiaofeng Yang

Frontiers Media SA


Women in radiation oncology: 2021

Christina Tsien, Radka Stoyanova, Alina Mihaela Mihai

Frontiers Media SA


Machine learning in radiation oncology

Wei Zhao, Ye Zhang, Jia Wu, Xiaomeng Li, Yuming Jiang

Frontiers Media SA


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Radiation Oncology


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