Displaying 1 - 10 out of 28 Books


Integrating Conservation Biology and Paleobiology to Manage Biodiversity and Ecosystems in a Changing World

G. Lynn Wingard, Chris Schneider, Gregory P. Dietl, Damien Fordham
Frontiers Media, SA

Policy makers and resource managers must make decisions that affect the resilience and sustainability of natural resources, including biodiversity and ecosystem services. However, these decisions are...


Effects of Non-Random Sources of Alteration on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning

Tian Zhao, Chuanbo Guo, Chao Wang, Chunsheng Liu, Paraskevi Manolaki

Frontiers Media SA

Understanding how biological diversity affects ecosystem functioning is a key question in modern...



Wetlands and grassland are important components of natural ecosystems, which have rich values in...


Food Webs and Stable Isotopes, volume II

Jason Newton, Gabriele Stowasser, Rona A. R. McGill

Frontiers Media SA

Over thirty years ago it was discovered that there is a predictable shift in the bulk nitrogen and...


Marine epibioses

Roksana Majewska, Sergey Dobretsov, Nathan Jack Robinson, Fabiano Thompson

Frontiers Media SA



Drivers of small-mammal community structure in tropical savannas

Bradley J. Bergstrom, Ara Monadjem, Christopher Richard Dickman, Emerson M. Vieira

Frontiers Media SA


Biodiversity across Afromontane Environments

David Horák, Vincent Ralph Clark, Kevin Y. Njabo, Jon Fjeldså, Vincent Deblauwe

Frontiers Media SA


Ladybirds: Conservation, Ecology and Interactions with Other Organisms

Danny Haelewaters, John Losey, António Onofre Soares

Frontiers Media SA


Displaying 1 - 10 out of 28 Books


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