Displaying 1 - 10 out of 63 Books


Dynamic Neural Networks for Robot Systems: Data-Driven and Model-Based Applications

Long Jin, Predrag S. Stanimirovic, Sendren Sheng-Dong Xu
Frontiers Media SA

Neural network control has been a research hotspot in academic fields due to the strong ability of computation. One of its wildly applied fields is robotics. In recent years, plenty of researchers...


Bio A.I. - From Embodied Cognition to Enactive Robotics

Adam Safron, InĂªs Hipolito, Andy Clark

Frontiers Media SA

Even before the deep learning revolution, the landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) was already...


Intelligent Control and Applications for Robotics, Volume II

Yimin Zhou, Chen Qiao, Huiyu Zhou

Frontiers Media SA

Driven by sustaining demands from industrial automation, space applications and the lack of labor...



Recent Advances in Image Fusion and Quality Improvement for Cyber-Physical Systems

Xin Jin, Jingyu Hou, Zhou Wei, Shin-Jye Lee

Frontiers Media SA



Efficient deep neural network for intelligent robot system: Focusing on visual signal processing

Xiao Bai, Praveen Kumar Donta, Xin Ning, Weijun Li

Frontiers Media SA



Brain-Computer Interface and Its Applications

Duo Chen, Ke Liu, Jiayang Guo, Luzheng Bi, Jing Xiang

Frontiers Media SA


Displaying 1 - 10 out of 63 Books

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