Displaying 1 - 10 out of 69 Books


The Cycling of Biogenic Elements and Their Microbial Transformations in Marine Ecosystems

Feng Chen, Junfu Dong, Li Jianlon
Frontiers Media SA

With global climate change and the deterioration of the marine environment, the biogeochemical processes of the main biogenic elements in the ocean have received considerable attention. The...


Restoration of Coastal Marine Ecosystems

Ronald Osing, Bernadette Pogoda, Roberto Danovaro, Alison Debney

Frontiers Media SA

Human health and wellbeing cannot be sustained without proper ecosystem functioning and high...


This Research Topic is part of the article collection series -


The Philippines is located in a region called the Coral Triangle; an area of exceptional importance...


Contemporary marine science, its utility and influence on regulation and government policy

Piers Larcombe, Angus Morrison-Saunders, Peter Ridd

Frontiers Media SA


Blue Carbon: Beyond the Inventory

William Edward Newns Austin, Hilary Anne Kennedy, Joanne S. Porter, William Richard Turrell, Catherine Lovelock

Frontiers Media SA

This Research Topic will coincide with an international Blue Carbon Conference at the Royal Society...


The Response of Microalgae and Plankton to Climate Change and Human Activities

Zhaohe Luo, Yanpei Zhuang, Kieng Soon Hii, Hala F. Mohamed

Frontiers Media SA

The majority of global seafood production and mariculture activities take place in marine coastal...




Seascape Ecology: from characterization to evaluation of state and change over time

Monica Montefalcone, Carlo Nike Bianchi

Frontiers Media sa

Landscape ecology has been a discrete, established discipline since at least 1980. Its marine...


Displaying 1 - 10 out of 69 Books


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